Abs // Fitness // 18 months post pregnancy;

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Hello Lovelies;

Today's post is a little different to the normal beauty posts I write on the blog. Today's post is all about fitness, and I wanted to share my progress with you all. I'm currently 18 months post pregnancy and yeah, I feel great about my body!

I've never gone to the gym - never had any help from experts (unless you count YouTube videos). I've tried to change my diet around, eat more healthy, exercise more and this is the outcome.  I go running twice a week in the evenings once Alec is asleep, or whilst Glen is putting Alec asleep. The Lean Machines has been a life saver with 'at home workouts' I love their '10 days to awesome abs' video and I just do the exercises from that routine every day/every other day. 

In terms of keeping on track - my filofax is great for writing down different 'at home' exercises you can do at home, also writing down different tips, recipes and other bits that work for you. In mine I have lots of tips - for abs 'Cross Leg Sit Ups, Pulsing up etc... 

I don't have 'protein shakes' often, and if I do I don't go for Whey protein as I find it tastes horrid. I love the Strawberry Pure Protein by USN though. Other ways of getting protein is eating eggs a lot, Chicken/Turkey, Tuna, Cheese, Yogurt etc... I'm a big fan of sweet potato wedges - All you need is sweet potatoes peel, cut up into wedges - Put them on a baking tray with some olive oil and a bit of salt on them 200c (Turn every 10 minutes) for 30mins and they're done! 

The trainers I'm wearing are Nike Free Run - they're great shoes for running and they're so light. I find myself wearing them day-to-day as they're so light. I do want to get the black and white pair that VivannaDoesMakeup has as they're perfect for exercise and day to day.

I hope this helps so of you. I'm in no way an expert but everything I've been doing as helped really well for me. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

Do you exercise?
If yes, at home or do you go to the gym?
Would you want to see more 'fitness' posts?


  1. wow.. I need some tips my belly is wobbly

    1. As long as you're happy it doesn't matter if you have 'wobbly' bits. x

  2. I'm meant to be running 5k for charity soon with my boyfriend and we just can't get motivated, after reading this post though I might just pop out for a run !

    1. Ooo, I hope it went well! Motivation is tricky especially with exercise. Need a running buddy xD xx

  3. wow, your stomach is way better than mine, those are abs to be envious of, congratulations! x


  4. You're so much more toned than I am and I've never had a baby! Wow! x

    Lizzie's Corner

    1. Thank you. ^.^ I think having a baby has given me some more motivation. xx

  5. Great work! I'll have to check out those at home work outs, I love finding more to do. I'm really enjoying working out at the moment. I found after having my son I really wanted to make sure I didn't let myself go, and working out makes me feel human.


    1. Than you, Jenn. I agree. After having a child it's very important to have the time to do things that make you feel human again. It's why I love blogging so much. xx

  6. Hey. Thank you so much! I've never been to the gym before - I'm too nervous to start going xD xx

  7. impressive. You should be very proud :)



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