Wanted:- Guest Bloggers (What's in HER make up bag);

Sunday 16 February 2014

Hello Lovelies;

I come to you today asking if anyone would like to take part in a new guest blogger series called 'What's in her make up bag.' 

Whenever I'm on the train, or anywhere in public and people are doing their make up, I always take a cheeky peek over to see what products they're using - You do it as well right?  There's just something about seeing how products work for certain people, and I've bought a few products after seeing people apply it whilst on the train.

My nosey beauty nature has lead to me wanting to start this series, that and knowing that so many people like looking inside peoples make up bag, or just what make up they use daily. Don't be shy, let us have a nosey around your make up. Anyone is welcome to get involved. 

If you'd like to get involved comment below or pop me a quick e-mail at Caseyslifeandotherstuff@gmail.com

Happy Sunday!


  1. Hi Casey, I'd love to get involved. I did a what's I'm my bag for one of my first posts but have switched it up quite a bit already.

    Chloe x

    1. Hey Chole,

      Thanks for responding. I'd love for you to write a post and see what's in your make up bag ^^

      Casey x

  2. Hi I'd be interested in joining in with this!
    I'm always looking at other peoples make up on the train too, it's always so interesting to see!

    Jenn | PhotoJennic


    1. Hey Jenn,

      Thanks for responding. That's brilliant! I'd love for you to do a post for the series. LOL. It's a guilty pleasure.

      Casey x

  3. Hey! I would love to participate in this series!!! =D I think it's a really cool thing to do, and I'm also always very curious about what other people have in their makeup bags! =D

    Rosie's Life

  4. I'd love to show what's in my make up bag, it does change quite often though, the more blogs I follow the more makeup I seem to buy :0)
    Katy xxx


  5. I absolutely love the sound of this and would love to have a go! I did post one of these a while back but I seem to change the products in my bag regularly!
    Nell xx

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey Casey,
    I'd love to take part in this! I've done one before on my own blog, but my bag has somewhat expanded since then!! it's a great idea, and a great way to learn about new products :)
    Kay xxx

  8. I would be interested in giving this a go. Sounds fun!
    Celina | The Celution | Bloglovin’

  9. I would be interested in doing this! It sounds like a fabby idea! xx


  10. I'ld love to be involved dear :-) I also love taking a peek in peoples' makeup bags xx

  11. Hiy Casey,

    I am exactly the same, sometimes they notice and look at me like 'why are you staring at me?'. But its a guilty pleasure, I love knowing what other people use, especially when your having one of those 'nothing looks good on my face' days.

    I love this idea and would love to share what's in my make-up bag! Can't wait to nosey around in other peoples make-up bags guilt free!

    Rennie | Fashion Dust


  12. I would love to do this, nosey is in my nature!!

    Hope your okay!!


  13. I would love to get involved.

    Lottie x


  14. Hi Casey! Yes I too love a good snoop in my neighbour's make-up bag. I also like to see how they apply all their products in case I can pick up any tips. Although I'm sure I'll never master liquid liner on the tube like someone I saw recently... I'd love to be involved!

    A Nesting Nomad

  15. Hi! I just found your blog on bloglovin. I'm a new blogger and I would love to be involved! My name's Andrea, by the way. My blog is http://aglimpseofglam.blogspot.com/

  16. Hi Casey,

    Just emailed my makeup post to you, hope you receive it ok!

    Looking forward to reading about everyone's contents!

    K x

  17. Love the sound of this. I'll email you it over once I've finished it! Probably won't be until next week, but I'll put it on my list of things to do! (:

    Popping Pout


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