Saturday Night Feeling;

Sunday 9 February 2014

Hello Lovelies;

When looking through my posts, I realised I haven't actually done a 'lifestyle' post in a pretty long time. I realise a lot of people don't want to read about my life but any who. It's Saturday night - as the title would suggest. I've actually been pretty relaxed tonight - I normally work from 7am - 11pm on weekends. I did start at 7am, but finished at 3pm so it wasn't too bad today. As I stated tonight has been pretty chilled. I wanted Cheaper by the Dozen - I haven't watched that movie in ages but it's a clear favourite of mine. I've done my blog list for future posts and written a post or two for next week.

After the blogging was out of the way with (till I wrote this post), I decided to get my make up off using my good old 'Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish' and slapped on my Aveda Instensive Hydrating Masque. If you haven't used this, where have you been? This is only the sample size, which I've got about 20 of atm. This is a clear gel masque, much like the Hydraluron in texture and colour. It's great if you want a face mask but don't want to look like Shrek. I painted my nails using the Leighton Denny Brief Encounter nail polish, you all know my love with this polish, and I'm sure it's a love that will never die. I used a more intensive moisturiser for tonight. 

The weather has been chilly winds and rain for the past week, and even now I can hear it howling away out there. Even if my skin isn't dry, I like to give it an intensive treatment once a week just to prevent it getting to the point where it is dry. the Weleda Skin Food. I've tried a few multi purpose products before, but this is the best intensive overnight moisturiser I've tried. Even though I haven't tried the Homeoplasmine, this is a product you can use whenever and wherever - the Homeoplasmine is meant to be short term and not applied more than 1-3 times a day. I do like the Yu Japans balm to help my eczema on my hands (though I haven't used the skin food on my eczema). I will be doing a full review soon, for now it's a perfect now and then treatment. 

It may not be the most exciting Saturday. I'm not out getting drunk or partying. Since having Alec I feel content with my boys, having a cuppa, watching a movie and a bit of pampering. 

I hope you've all had a lovely weekend - on the bright side, no hangover! Not that I've ever had one, even when I used to drink from 8pm -7am. I guess I'm lucky like that.

What did you do on Saturday evening? 

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