Monday 10 February 2014

Hello Lovelies;

So, I've been nominated for a Liebster award by the lovely Lizzy from Lizzyhearts and Jenny from Ever Weird which I'm so excited about! They both have amazing blogs so please go and check them out. Below are the questions.

Here's 11 facts about myself:-

1:- I'm a Mother
2:- I could live off bread and butter
3:- I always change my hobbies around
4:- I used to rid a motorbike
5:- My favourite film is the Emperor's New Groove
6:- I over watch Ugly Betty and Dr Who
7:- I've never broke a bone
8:- I don't know what I want to be when I grow up
9:- I'm running out of things to say
10:- I have naturally frizzy, curly hair
11:- I want to go back to my times at college

Here are Lizzy's questions:-

Where would you go on your dream holiday?
Hm. I'd have to say Thailand. Sun, Sea, Sand and riding Elephants! What could be better?

Do you collect anything?
Make up? LOL Not really. 

Who inspires you the most?
I don't have one person to inspire me. The Lean Machines inspire me for Fitness and life aspects. My Nan inspires me through going through so much and still being happy. I think we need to learn things from a range of people and be inspired.

Do you have a sweet tooth?

Do you speak a foreign language?
French, Dutch and Spanish

Which beauty brand do you have the most of? I don't know. I'll go with NARS. I love all their products. Their lipsticks, blushers, Tinted moisturisers are all amazing.

Have you learnt anything recently?
I've learnt that I need to let go of things - fear wise and do things. I hold myself back so much through my fears.

Is there a reason for your blog name?
I guess because it's a Topsy Turvy blog..It's all over the place (behind the scenes)

Is there any beauty product's you use daily and couldn't live without?
I think a lip balm - I love the Nuxe Reve De Miel (stick form) and for a tint the Lanolips Lip Ointment in Rose

What's the best book you've read?
Before I fall by Lauren Oliver. It's so inspirational!

Jenny's questions:-

What made you want to blog?
I've always wanted to be a writer or a make up artist, so writing a blog about make up helped me follow my passions. 

What are your biggest inspirations?
(Answer in Lizzy's questions)

What's your favourite brand of clothes?
I'm a big H&M fan - they've got a rock chic style which is right up my street!

What's your favourite beauty brand?
(answer above)

What posts are you most proud of and why?
That's tough. I'm most proud of the guest posts. I feel great when people want to guest post for my blog.

What's my biggest fear?
Anything happening to Alec. After he has his Op' last year - it scared me to death handing my son over to the hands of the doctors and nurses. Not being there to protect him was the worst thing, even though I knew I couldn't be in the op' room.

What's my biggest dream?
To create a happy life for my family. I think you need to take pleasure from the small things in life, but just a happy safe home and to be a make up artist :D

What's your opinion on the Libester award?
I think they're great. A lovely way to show people that they're small blog is read and appreciated. 

What's my favourite blog?
I love Jenny Purr She's got a lovely blog that I feel is as good as Lily Pebbles or Tanya Burr

Favourite beauty product?
That's so tough! Hmm. I'd say the NARS Tinted Moisturiser. 

Greatest thing you own?
My engagement ring - I would say my son, but I don't own him. He's the most precious thing in my life though. For something I do own is my ring. A symbol of love, trust and future promises.

The people I nominate is:-

Lizzy from LizzyHearts
Anna from every day Ritual
Leanne from L.E.M Beauty Blog
Victoria from VictoriaEmma 
Holly from Along Came Holly
Maria from All Things Beauty
Alison from Alison Ruth
Gabby from The Blue Bella
Darryll from Darryll Bryant 

My questions are:-

1:- Did you have any chidhood nicknames?
2:- What's your favourite animal?
3:- Why did you start your blog?
4:- What's your favourite TV show?
5:- Lipstick or Lipgloss?
6:- Plain water or Squash?
7:- Dream job?
8:- Can you drive?
9:- Favourite baby boy and girl names?
10:- Favourite season?
11:- Do you stick with season trends? Plum/berry in Autumn and Winter and bright colours in Spring/Summer?

Don't forget to link below so we can see your answers.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love Emperors New Groove! It's such an underrated Disney film!

    Jenn | PhotoJennic



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