Arm Candy;

Friday 7 February 2014

Hello Lovelies;

Today we're talking about 'arm candy,' and no, I don't mean boys - cheeky! These are accessories that I wear daily on my wrists and they all have a little story to tell.

'Blue Eyez,' this bracelet is a gift from my fiance, or boyfriend at the time. I got this shortly after we met. He has blue eyes, hence the 'blue eyez' in the middle of the heart. I've had this for years now and I adore it still. I actually have a band like this one from when I was around 5 saying 'Casey' with bows drawn on it. It doesn't fit me any more as my arm has grown since a kid. I only take this off when I have a shower or bath. 

The second band down is one that I picked up from a Charity shop actually. It was only around £2. I bought this when I was in labour - strange I know! When I was in labour, I walked down to the shops, around 5 minutes from the hospital and found this. I really love it - It's a faux leather band with button all round it sown onto the band. Note, walking is the best thing to bring on contractions more. 

Lastly is my newest but much loved Nike Fuel Band. I think it looks stylish and goes with a lot of the bracelets I wear. It's a clock, tell you cals' burnt, steps taken and your 'Fuel points' I am going to do a full review of this product. I use this mainly as a watch, and to reach my fuel points goal as well. When I first bought this I was obsessed with checking my fuel points and the rest. It broke two days ago, and I managed to fix it today so I'm really happy to have it back. I felt so lost without it. 

That's all of my 'arm candy' that I wear daily. All of these remind me of great memories. You can wear the Fuel Band in the shower, though I'm not keen on trying it out. I'm sure over time I'll gain more product that I'll attach memories to.

What's your favourite arm candy? 

1 comment:

    Jenny /


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