Celebrating 40 yrs of Transform(ing lives) - The Eyebrow Evolution;

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Hello Lovelies;

Transform is celebrating 40yrs of transforming peoples lives with cosmetic (non) Surgery. We're celebrating this by looking at the Evolution of Eyebrows and how the styles have changed throughout the years. I've always been so self concious about my eyebrows as I over plucked them myself, and drew them back on - never looking even. 

Transform perform eyebrow transplants which have been increasingly popular throughout the years, not only due to health reasons, but for beauty as well - those numbers are set to rise over the years with men and women both wanting treatments. 

During the 70's it was all about Dolly Partons brows, 80's was Madonna, 90's Geri Halliwell and now it's all about Cara D' - Let's be honest, her brows are amazing! 

Eyebrows are a very important feature on our faces, from communicating with them, facial recognition at airports, keeping water and dust out our eyes to actually changing how we look and our confidence. 

I personally know how 'brows can change someones confidence and my sister also has an eyebrow complex as she has very light and thin eyebrows, naturally. 

Let's look at my eyebrow evolution shall we?

Top left - High School - I over plucked since then
Top Right - College/Uni
Bottom Left - Two years ago 
Bottom right - Early this year

and now...

No more smiley face eyebrows! They're thicker and even.

A few months ago I grew my eyebrow out and got them threaded, now, I feel so much better. It takes me minutes to do my brows now instead of hours of making them look even. I finally feel confident, which is why I 100% believe that companies like Transforms actually changes people lives - you could argue it's a mental state, but there's nothing wrong with getting a boost! My partner prefers them a lot and in his own words 'they shape your face more' - win!

Happy Birthday, Transform! 

Have you ever hated your eyebrows - over plucked? Drew them on? 
What's your eyebrow shape?
What's your eyebrow evolution?
Do you get them plucked, waxed or threaded?


  1. Love it! I personally get mine waxed but I'm lacking currently and not had them done in a couple of months oops :') x

    1. I'm terrible with their upkeep. I couldn't get them waxed. You're a brave woman xD x

  2. When I was in secondary school I waxed/plucked them SO much as they were super thick and bushy. It then got to the point where I'd over done them so they were so thin. They're now a bit thicker, but I'd love to have HD brows. Considering buying some growth products but I'm worried about how they'll look on the growing stage!

    Hannah x | hannatalks

    1. They're more trouble than they're worth sometimes xD Mine are very bushy naturally. Let them grow! You'll feel so much better when they're properly shaped ^.^ xx

  3. I had completely forgotten about some of the previous eyebrows trends - you definitely suit yours how they are now! :) Have a wonderful week!

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice


    1. Thank you, lovely. Feel so much more confident! I love all the brow eras x

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed the post, lovely. ^.^ xx

  5. it's so funny how we've come to care so much more about eyebrows than we used to (myself included!) i got mine waxed for the first time not too long ago and i absolutely love it!

    xx danielle // shades of danielle

    1. I need to try waxing. It seems the preferred way! As a society I think we are more aware as celebrities eyebrows have become a big thing. xx

  6. I completely over plucked mine when I was younger as well, and I'm still trying to grow them out! Yours are lovely though!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. I feel your pain! Feels like they take so long to grow out. Thank you honey xx

  7. You have great eyebrows! Mine are of the thinner nature and have been my whole life (so I use a pencil to fill in on the daily) xx


    1. Thank you, Honey. My sister does the same with hers. It's a pain isn't it? x

  8. You're welcome lovely. We're celebrating the actual company 'Transform' ^.^ xx

  9. Very nice post. Nowadays, thick eyebrows are in trend and for those who have thin eyebrows can use the HD brows colour to thicken the eyebrows and give a perfect shape. To have a younger and youthful appearance thread face lift UK offers good option.

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