Wanna Get to Know Me?

Saturday 4 January 2014

Here it is. Your chance to get to know me better. I've done the Get to Know Me Tag  because it seemed like a fun little tag to do. 

1. Do you have a middle name? 

My middle name is Louise - Inventive I know. So many people have the middle name Louise. 
2. What was your favourite subject in school?
I loved Food Tech' - I didn't end up picking it for my final GCSE choice though. I greatly regret that. 
3. What's your favourite drink?
Rubicon - The sparkling Mango flavour. 
4. What's your favourite song at the moment?
I love all genres so this is so difficult. Recently I've loved Brooke Fraser - C.S. Lewis
5. What would you name your children?
I've already got a little boy called Alec (or Alekai), for a girl I love the name Cali or Fleur. I don't like standard names. 
6. Do you participate in any sports?
 I used to do so much sport. Since having Alec I don't really have time - I guess I go walking and running a lot - that's more exercise than a sport though. 
7. What's your favourite book?
I love Sarah Dessen - The Truth About Forever, Just Listen..All her books are great! I'd have to pick Before I fall - Lauren Oliver. It's such a thought provoking book. 
8. What's your favourite colour?
9. What's your favourite animal?
 Eerrm, a Polar Bear? No, Penguin, no a Puffguin! 
10. What's your favourite perfume?
 I'd have to say Chole - Even though I've had it about a week. 
11. What's your favourite holiday?
 Halloween - Can't wait till Alec is old enough to dress up and go out!
12. Have you graduated from High School?
 Yurp, I am done with High School, College and Uni! 
13. Have you been out of the country?
 France, Spain, New York, Italy...That's about it.
14. Do you speak any other languages?
French - Dutch and Cockney (does that count?)
15. Do you have any siblings?
 I have three. Two younger brothers, both under 17, and an older sister. 
16. What's your favourite store?
 I'd have to do with HOF - It's a high street store, easily reachable with high end stuff as well. 
17. What's your favourite restaurant?
 Gourmet Burger Kitchen - They're simply yummy
18. Do you like school?
I loved my friends, wasn't so keen on the my subjects as I picked rubbish ones for GCSE. I was a bit of an outsider. 
19. Who are some of your favourite YouTubers?
 I've got sooo many! (picks up Iphone) Zoella, Essiebutton, The Lean Machines, Superbeautynerd, Mr Ben Brow, FunForLoui etc..
20. What's your favourite movie?
I love Caspar, The Wild Thornberry's Movie etc.. I can re-watch TV shows over and over again more than movies
21. What are some of your favourite TV shows?
Easy! Supernatural, Ugly Betty, DR Who, Doc Martin Primeval, Beaver Falls

22. PC or Mac?
 Mac is a lot better for editing, everything else I can do on a PC/Laptop. 
23. What phone do you have?
 I have the Iphone 4s
24. How tall are you?
25. Any pets?
I've got a baby, does that count? But Seriously..I used to have sooo many pets growing up, really I was never without a pet since I was 16. We are hoping to get a dog when Alec gets older though. 


  1. I really enjoyed reading this tag and getting to know you. Have never heard of the artist or the song I just looked it up and absolutely loved it. Will be listening to a lot more of her. x


  2. I really like this tag! Halloween is my favorite holiday, too! :)



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