The Skincare Tag;

Sunday 12 January 2014

Another tag commin' at cha! This seemed like a lovely little tag to do. I'm really getting into doing tags as I find that you find out a bit more about the person behind the blog. Clear questions with some clear answers are always good as well. 

1. Describe your routine in 5 words 
Relaxing, Hydrating, Penetrating, Moisturising and Deep. I try to keep my routine as relaxing as possible to help wind down for bed. Hydrating and moisturising to help combat dry and dehydrated skin, penetrating to get as deep as possible and deep for those naughty pores!

2. What's your skin type? 
My skin is dry, sensitive with large pores on my nose and cheeks - I get the occasional spot. Since this summer I've had facial eczema because of pregnancy. In the summer it's a little bit more normal though. 

3. What's your favourite skincare product? 
This is a hard one. I'd have to say Clarin Gentle Exfoliator though. It's made a big change in my skincare and helped with redness and my overall pigmentation. My skin is more clear and glowing nowadays. 

4. What's your top blemish zapper? -
I don't really get spots. One every 4 months if that. I just use the Superdrug own brand spot remover. I used it when I was pregnant and got a few spots on my forehead and it really worked well. 

5. Face wipes: yes or no? 
I'm not really keen on them. I work from 7am - 11pm and still manage to cleanse with an actual cleanser (Emma Hardie or Cleanse and Polish). I use when when I go away but not every single night. 

6. Toner: yes or no? 
I use the Clarins Gentle Exfoliator which I double up as both toner and exfoliator. I'm not a big toner person as I find a lot of them have alcohol in, and they dry out my skin. I like the Boots Rosewater one though. 

7. High end: skincare or make up? -
I'd say high end skincare. I think if your skin is great, make up isn't always needed. If you don't have a good base for make up, the make up won't look good.  

8. What's the most unusual skincare product you've tried? -
I'd say the Tony Moly Espresso. The packaging itself is amazing. 

9. Which one item would you choose in a French pharmacy? -
Hmm, I don't know. I would say Bioderma, but I don't really use M' waters as they don't do a great deal for my skin. I'd go with Nuxe and Caudalie items 

10. What's your top skincare tip? -
Don't skip - Don't skip a cleanse even if you use wipes. Don't skip sun care get make up with an SPF. Just don't! :P 

What are you waiting for? Go forth and do this tag. Don't forget to link below and share your answers. 

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