The Beauty Menu #1;

Sunday 27 October 2013

Hey Lovelies;

'The Beauty Menu' is a new edition to the blog - and this is the first of many. I tend to stick to certain products, and only change them when my skin needs an extra something. With the weather changing, my skin has been 'not itself' as it's been in previous years during Autumn. Pregnancy changes your skin, and how it reacts to cold, heat and certain products etc...  The Beauty Menu is a little round up of the products I've been using during the week to help my skin, as well as a little something else I've been loving throughout the week, so, what's on the menu this week?

First up of the menu is a product I've been loving and using for a few years now, and it gives a injection of moisture back into my skin. Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask. I LOVE this mask. It's seriously the best one I've tried (even better than Ren). You can buy this has part of a set at Selfridges it's called the Mask Marvels (You get this, Drink Up 10 minute mask and Active Charcoal Mask) for only £25, it's a great price to pay and at 75ml each, you get a great deal. Anywho, back to the product. You can use this twice a week, or as often as you need. You're meant to tissue off the excess, but I just use it as my moisturiser. I get out pea sized amounts and massage it into my face section by section, so not to waste it. I recommend this to anyone. You wake up with amazing soft skin, and it just looks so much better. 

Next up is another Origins product. It's the Dr. Andrew Weil Plantidote Mega Mushroom Face Serum I bought this initially as it's meant to be suitable for sensitive skin, and gets rid of redness, but I'm 20, and I feel older (having kids will do that to you!). This serum is also 'great' for aging as well, which over the past few months (getting closer to being 21), I've really taken on board. I've been giving my skin no make up days, and really trying to look after it a lot better. I'm bad at cleansing, and exfoliating, so am I going to try and do it every night. Me being tired isn't a good enough excuse. I'll be cursing when I'm older, and wished I had done it sooner. I keep going off track, right? The serum is lovely and light, it sinks into the skin, not looking greasy and it perfect to use pre-moisturiser day or night. I am in love with it. I have a lot of serums buy I think I'll be using this for a good while.

 NARS Saratoga Mini Nail Polish is my non skincare product of the week, and it's beautiful. A dark blue toned redy purple, with a golden sheen to it. It isn't as vampy as the picture would suggest, but it's a perfect autumn and winter colour for those who don't want a polish as dark as Revlon Vixen. I'm NO good at applying nail polish, and normally spend a good hour and a half or so just trying to do one hand, but this is perfect, and so easy to use. I picked this up from EBay for just £4.50, though, I'm sure I bought the last one, but you can get it for £6, still a steal considering it's normally £14 - It is a mini product, but I have a feeling it'll last along time. 

1 comment:

  1. sound like some really great products! Lovely post, and 'beauty menu'; such a great idea! New follower, looking forward to reading more :D Liz xo


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