Alec's 7 Month Update;

Monday 24 June 2013

Wow, I cannot believe my little one is 7 months old (on the 4th of July). Time really does fly, and so it leads to update time.

This month we started going to the Gymboree. Alec loves it. He's always happy and smiling when he goes. It's so lovely to see him interact with other children, and enjoy himself. He's good at sharing, and isn't shy at all! He's only been twice, and we are going to continue going.

He's now going through a phase of hating baths. As soon as his feet go in, he hates it. We're trying different ways to get him used to it. Singing to him, putting bubbles and toys in but so far nothing seems to work. He's sleeping through the night, and having three meals a day, but still bringing it up through his nose. He's having 4 bottles of milk pd, and he loves his milk.

Alec isn't crawling properly yet, but he tries to caterpillar crawl and flaps around. It's so cute and funny seeming him do it. I'm sure he'll crawl in no time. He hasn't cut any teeth yet, and no signs of them yet. He loves smiling and giggling. He's ticklish under his arms, on his tights and below his ribs. He loves 'Get Squiggling' on Cbeebies, and Dr Who - but mainly he likes theme tunes. 

That's what Alec has been up to since he's been 6 - 7 months. 

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