A little Lifestyle;

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Hello Lovelies;

I've had a bit of blogging down time recently. Having a one and a half year old keeps me rushed off my feet as well as working, blogging, exercising and trying to do so much more. Alec's currently at that stage where he's just about to start Nursery (when he's 2) and when he does everything will become a bit easier in terms of having a bit more time to get jobs done. 

I know there are a lot of blogging mummies out there that balance it all out, and that's what it is all about. I haven't sat down and read a book since Alec was born. I've recently started 'Before I fall' by Lauren Oliver, and a few other books and hopefully I'll keep up with it all. My passion has gone for a bit of things I grew up loving, it isn't that I've stopped loving them it's that not having the time it makes it get harder and just tiring. 

I'm so glad I have blogging as a outlet. It's the one this I've enjoyed doing before and since Alec's been born, and I always balance out time to do things. I noticed that since I've had down time the interest in my blog has been decreased, I thought that it would get to me more as I love it when you all take time to comment on my blog and read my posts, but I realised that I do it because I really love it, I love having an outlet. I realise people don't care much for these kind of posts unless you're Tanya Burr or Lily Pebbles where everyone what's to know every detail of your life, but I am going to write these posts every now and them to add a bit more of my life into my little blog. 

I hope you're all doing well. Please don't be shy and not strike up a conversation. I appreciate every second you guys are on my blog, reading or commenting. Even though I love writing it, knowing that someone is actually reading it and acknowledge it makes me feel so happy. 

Love, Casey xo

1 comment:

  1. I've been dipping in and out of the bloggy world a couple of days a week since Christmas. Before that I was online every day. I have a 22 month old and 5 year old and it was getting a bit much. I think it's good to have a break, or back off a little. : )



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