Baby Steps to a healthier lifestyle;

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Hello Lovelies;

Leading a healthy lifestyle can sometimes seem overwhelming for people starting out. They delve into a healthy life, (normally at New Years - New Me). Actually, I think taking baby steps is the best way to start, and keep a healthier lifestyle - So, what small changes can you make to start out?

Filtered water - I know, it seems silly, but tap water is just NOT clean. If you body have to filter out all the rubbish from water, it doesn't have the time to make your skin look better, give you energy etc.. Which is why the cleanest, organic food/drink is best and gives your body time to do the jobs it's actually meant to do. I have two water filters - One is a jug we keep in the fridge - The Aqua Optima - This is one of the cheapest on the market - you can buy more expensive ones, but this is pretty damn good for the price and the filters last you 1 month - You can buy a 3 month pace for around £7, and the actual jug is around £6 with one months supply free. Whilst out and about, I have my Bobble Bottle with me. I have the smaller size, but you can also get them bigger. The smaller bottles cost £5, the bigger ones £8 and filters are £5 which isn't bad (You can also get Bobble jugs). The bottle is very lightweight and it's handy having a bottle to keep with you on the go - I found I've had SO much more energy after just drinking filtered water. Having a bottle is a lot more convenient. I keep mine with me all the time, and I found I'm actually drinking a lot more water throughout the day. 

The next step - Have a smoothie a day - My favourite smoothie is peach, though I add a few more extras that mean you get the most amount of nutrition out of it.. What I use - '2 Peaches, Natural Yoghurt, Organic Honey, Chia Seeds, Goji berries and Aduna Boabab Superfruit Powder' I'm actually naughty and add a tad more honey than I probably should (honey is what makes the smoothie sweeter). This just helps you get a 'super smoothie' a day and a boost of energy.

Try eating healthier snacks - I'm a chocolate fiend, and can never say 'no' when someone offers, I've actually been really good, and kept off eating normal Snickers an all. I LOVE the Kelkin Milk Chocolate Rice Cakes - They taste amazing, give you that bit of chocolate you're craving and is the perfect little snack. Peanut butter oat balls is also a good one - Take a tea spoon of organic peanut butter and roll it around in oats to make an oat ball with a yummy peanut butter centre. Natural yoghurt, honey, berries and chia seeds are also a great treat. 

Finally, is taking simple exercises - Things like taking steps, not the lift, using your card/bike less. There are plenty of ways to exercise without spending a penny (which most people use as a reason) - Check out The Lean Machines for 'at home' fitness (well as gym exercises). Being healthy doesn't have to take up a lot of money, or time if you do it right. 

Do you exercise?
Do you want to get healthier?
Interested in the next step?


  1. great post! it's totally about taking baby steps...I just started yoga and I love it! it took me a while to get to this point

    giveaway on my blog!

    1. I've always been interested in Yoga but never did it! I may have to look into the beginners steps. xx

  2. I'm obsessed with chocolate.. I can say that since I can't go a day without at least eat something with chocolate on. I've been wanting to eat healthier but I'm so picky! I have to do some research! This post definitely helps! Loved the water bottles idea have to grab one! Makes a lot of sense to filter water! xx

    Mary Bloomy

    1. I'm the same! You can eat chocolate but they say 90% dark chocolate is healthier. 9bars with chocolate on - I'm always snacking on them when I have a chocolate craving. The bottles are brilliant as we don't drink as much water as we should in winter xx

  3. I always eat vegetables with my meals, try and snack on fruit and gym in my lunch times. All simple small steps but I think they add up :)

    India / Touchscreens & Beautyqueens

    Too Faced giveaway

    1. That's brilliant my dear! Try not to snack on foods before you exercise - sugar contains insulin and stops you actually shedding any weight when exercising xx

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I had a similar blog post today! Great minds think alike! ;)
    Xoxo, linds

  6. Great post. I'm trying to shed a little weight and it's not easy. I definitely think baby steps are best when it comes to this sort of thing. So many people restrict their diet to extremes and go heavy on the exercise and then wonder why after a week they just feel terrible and give up. I've just been trying to do things like skip the chocolate bar I used to eat at lunch, walk to work and increase the amount of veggies I have at dinner.

    Sarah xo | PolkaDotLemon

    1. It is a lot harder for some people to loose weight. It all depends on our body types and how they store fat. Going to the extreme is no good for anyone (especially when they do it without professional help). You're doing right! Little changes make a big impact. Good luck, Honey xx

  7. These rice cakes have been an absolute saviour to me over the last few weeks!! Good luck for continued progress!! :) xo


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