Let's talk Lifestyle;

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Hello Lovelies;

I've been in a bit of a blogging slump recently - even though I still read blogs daily actually keeping mine up to date has been hard. I thought I'd start off easy with doing a blog post a week and get back into the swing of things, so let's start off simply with a 'lifestyle' one. 

Since moving and Alec starting a new nursery, his times have changed and it's created a whole new routine. He used to go at 12-3 and now it's 9.15-12.15. This has made blogging and working difficult and I am usually more productive during the afternoon - it's also changed my food routine and I tend to eat breakfast without even realising it now (yummy!) 

Shopping...I've bee doing a bit of shopping (I know, I know) but no beauty products. I'm sorting out my beauty and clothing so I'll probably do a 'blog sale' soon to make room for the new bits I've added into my collection. 

I've also fallen out of my skincare routine which hasn't done much for my skin. I've been loving the E45 cream which has been sorting out my dry skin, when I've actually been using it. I need to pick up a new cleanser so if you have any suggestions fire them at me! 

I've also had my hair cut shorter than I've ever had it since I was 14...I hate having my hair cut so something this normal was a big deal. 

I hope you enjoyed this tiny update and I'll get back into the blogging track with more beauty, lifestyle, fashion and fitness posts!

What have you been up to recently?
Have you been buying any goodies lately?


  1. http://www.prettyathletic.com/products/suti-facial-cleansing-balm?variant=8813432773

    im currently using this cleanser and i LOVE it, my skin is super soft and clean and shiny!

  2. Looking forward on your next blog post. I love reading this.
    Love, Fads

  3. The post is fantastic! I love it so much :)
    Have a wonderful weekend!


  4. Sometimes it takes a while to get into a new routine and you'll get yourself back into blogging again when the new nurse schedule. I had such a huge selfridges/ boots splurge last week it was unreal, I should really put myself on a shopping ban now! x

  5. I've been working hard on my blog recently, but I know what you mean when you read everyone else's blogs but you can't just update yours!


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